


Nightly Use
Percentage of patients that utilize AIRLIFT therapy all night, every night.

AIRLIFT – Benefits

  • Begins working right away
  • Provides relief from sleep apnea symptoms, including snoring
  • Is a long-lasting solution
  • Works with other sleep apnea procedures
  • Is very safe and hassle-free – nothing for you to do after implantation, no physical limitations
  • Has a short post-operative recovery
  • Is reimbursed by most insurance and Medicare/Medicaid

AIRLIFT: Leave CPAP Behind

  • Feel free to breathe. With AIRLIFT® there’s no machine to pack, no appliance to remember, no fumbling with hoses, and nothing to remember to turn on so you get the benefit all night, every night. Wake up anywhere tomorrow feeling more refreshed, ready to live life on your terms. Ask your doctor how AIRLIFT can help get your freedom back.
  • AIRLIFT® hyoid suspension is a minimally invasive procedure to reposition and suspend the hyoid bone which expands and stabilizes the airway to prevent excessive breathing resistance when you sleep. For more detailed information, visit

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea is a serious medical condition that should not go untreated.  Several easy-to-recognize symptoms of sleep apnea include:

  • Excessive daytime sleepiness
  • Loud snoring
  • Gasping for air during sleep
  • Falling asleep while driving
  • Falling asleep during the day
  • Morning headaches
  • Loss of energy
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Irritability

Nightly Use
Percentage of patients that utilize AIRLIFT therapy all night, every night.

Visit if you would like more detailed information.